Grade 9 – quizzes online ( 1_st term )


  1. Classify numbers

  2. Compare and order rational numbers

  3. Absolute value and opposites

  4. Number lines

  5. Convert between decimals and fractions

  6. Convert between repeating decimals and fractions

  7. Square roots

  8. Cube roots


  1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

  2. Order of operations with integers

  3. Evaluate variable expressions involving integers

  4. Add and subtract rational numbers

  5. Multiply and divide rational numbers

  6. Order of operations with rational numbers

  7. Evaluate variable expressions involving rational numbers

Ratios and proportions

  1. Identify equivalent ratios

  2. Equivalent ratios: fill in the missing number

  3. Unit rates

  4. Unit prices

  5. Solve proportions

  6. Solve proportions: word problems

  7. Scale drawings and scale factors


  1. Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals

  2. Solve percent equations

  3. Percent word problems

  4. Percent of change

  5. Percent of change: word problems

  6. Percent of a number: tax, discount, and more

  7. Find the percent: tax, discount, and more

  8. Multi-step problems with percents


  1. Convert rates and measurements: customary units

  2. Convert rates and measurements: metric units

  3. Unit prices with unit conversions

  4. Precision

  5. Greatest possible error

  6. Minimum and maximum area and volume

  7. Percent error

  8. Percent error: area and volume


  1. Perimeter

  2. Area

  3. Area and perimeter: word problems

  4. Volume

  5. Surface area

  6. Similar figures: side lengths and angle measures

  7. Similar triangles and indirect measurement

  8. Dilations and scale factors

  9. Area and perimeter of similar figures

  10. Area between two shapes

  11. Similar solids

  12. Volume and surface area of similar solids

  13. Perimeter, area, and volume: changes in scale

  14. Pythagorean theorem

  15. Pythagorean theorem: word problems

  16. Converse of the Pythagorean theorem: is it a right triangle?

  17. Special right triangles

Coordinate graphs

  1. Coordinate graph review

  2. Midpoints

  3. Distance between two points


  1. Properties of addition and multiplication

  2. Distributive property

  3. Simplify variable expressions using properties

  4. Properties of equality

Variable expressions and equations

  1. Write variable expressions

  2. Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property

  3. Write variable equations

  4. Does x satisfy the equation?

  5. Find solutions from a replacement set

  6. Solve equations using order of operations

Solve equations

  1. Model and solve equations using algebra tiles

  2. Write and solve equations that represent diagrams

  3. Solve one-step linear equations

  4. Solve two-step linear equations

  5. Solve advanced linear equations

  6. Solve equations with variables on both sides

  7. Identities and equations with no solutions

  8. Solve linear equations: word problems

  9. Solve linear equations: mixed review

Single-variable inequalities

  1. Graph inequalities

  2. Write inequalities from graphs

  3. Identify solutions to inequalities

  4. Solve one-step linear inequalities: addition and subtraction

  5. Solve one-step linear inequalities: multiplication and division

  6. Solve one-step linear inequalities

  7. Graph solutions to one-step linear inequalities

  8. Solve two-step linear inequalities

  9. Graph solutions to two-step linear inequalities

  10. Solve advanced linear inequalities

  11. Graph solutions to advanced linear inequalities

  12. Graph compound inequalities

  13. Write compound inequalities from graphs

  14. Solve compound inequalities

  15. Graph solutions to compound inequalities

Absolute value equations and inequalities

  1. Solve absolute value equations

  2. Graph solutions to absolute value equations

  3. Solve absolute value inequalities

  4. Graph solutions to absolute value inequalities


  1. Matrix vocabulary

  2. Matrix operation rules

  3. Add and subtract matrices

  4. Multiply a matrix by a scalar

  5. Linear combinations of matrices

  6. Multiply two matrices

Data and graphs

  1. Interpret bar graphs, line graphs, and histograms

  2. Create bar graphs, line graphs, and histograms

  3. Circle graphs

  4. Interpret stem-and-leaf plots

  5. Interpret box-and-whisker plots

  6. Interpret a scatter plot

  7. Scatter plots: line of best fit

Problem solving

  1. Word problems: mixed review

  2. Word problems with money

  3. Consecutive integer problems

  4. Rate of travel: word problems

  5. Weighted averages: word problems

Number sequences

  1. Identify arithmetic and geometric sequences

  2. Arithmetic sequences

  3. Geometric sequences

  4. Evaluate variable expressions for number sequences

  5. Write variable expressions for arithmetic sequences

  6. Write variable expressions for geometric sequences

  7. Number sequences: mixed review

Relations and functions

  1. Relations: convert between tables, graphs, mappings, and lists of points

  2. Domain and range of relations

  3. Identify independent and dependent variables

  4. Identify functions

  5. Identify functions: vertical line test

  6. Complete a function table

  7. Evaluate function rules I

  8. Evaluate function rules II

  9. Graph a function

  10. Write a function rule: word problems

  11. Find points on a function graph

  12. Write a rule for a function table

Direct and inverse variation

  1. Identify proportional relationships

  2. Find the constant of variation

  3. Graph a proportional relationship

  4. Write direct variation equations

  5. Write and solve direct variation equations

  6. Identify direct variation and inverse variation

  7. Write inverse variation equations

  8. Write and solve inverse variation equations

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