Grade 7-1st term ( Quizes on line)



  1. Understanding integers

  2. Integers on number lines

  3. Absolute value and opposite integers

  4. Compare and order integers

  5. Integer inequalities with absolute values

Operations with integers

  1. Integer addition and subtraction rules

  2. Add and subtract integers using counters

  3. Add and subtract integers

  4. Complete addition and subtraction sentences with integers

  5. Add and subtract integers: word problems

  6. Integer multiplication and division rules

  7. Multiply and divide integers

  8. Complete multiplication and division sentences with integers

  9. Simplify expressions involving integers

Rational numbers

  1. Identify rational numbers

  2. Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers

  3. Absolute value of rational numbers

  4. Compare rational numbers

  5. Put rational numbers in order

  6. Add and subtract rational numbers

  7. Multiply and divide rational numbersH.1Identify rational numbers

  8. Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers

  9. Absolute value of rational numbers

  10. Compare rational numbers

  11. Put rational numbers in order

  12. Add and subtract rational numbers

Exponents and square roots

  1. Understanding exponents

  2. Evaluate exponents

  3. Exponents: solve for the variable

  4. Exponents with negative bases

  5. Exponents with decimal and fractional bases

  6. Understanding negative exponents

  7. Evaluate negative exponents

  8. Simplify expressions involving exponents

  9. Square roots of perfect squares

  10. Estimate square roots

Ratios and proportions

  1. Understanding ratios

  2. Equivalent ratios

  3. Equivalent ratios: word problems

  4. Compare ratios: word problems

  5. Unit rates

  6. Do the ratios form a proportion?

  7. Do the ratios form a proportion: word problems

  8. Solve proportions

  9. Solve proportions: word problems

  10. Estimate population size using proportions

  11. Rate of change

  12. Constant rate of change

  13. Scale drawings and scale factors


  1. What percentage is illustrated?

  2. Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals

  3. Compare percents to fractions and decimals

  4. stimate percents of numbers

  5. Percents of numbers and money amounts

  6. Percents of numbers: word problems

  7. Solve percent equations

  8. Solve percent equations: word problems

  9. Percent of change

  10. Percent of change: word problems

Consumer math

  1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide money amounts: word problems

  2. Price lists

  3. Unit prices

  4. Unit prices with unit conversions

  5. Unit prices: find the total price

  6. Percent of a number: tax, discount, and more

  7. Find the percent: tax, discount, and more

  8. Sale prices: find the original price

  9. Multi-step problems with percents

  10. Estimate tips

  11. Simple interest

  12. Compound interest

Problem solving and estimation

  1. Estimate to solve word problems

  2. Multi-step word problems

  3. Guess-and-check word problems

  4. Use Venn diagrams to solve problems

  5. Find the number of each type of coin

  6. Elapsed time word problems


  1. Estimate customary measurements

  2. Estimate metric measurements

  3. Compare and convert customary units

  4. Mixed customary units

  5. Compare and convert metric units

  6. Convert between customary and metric systems

  7. Precision

  8. Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures

Data and graphs

  1. Interpret tables

  2. Interpret line plots

  3. Create line plots

  4. Interpret stem-and-leaf plots

  5. Interpret bar graphs

  6. Create bar graphs

  7. Interpret histograms

  8. Create histograms

  9. Create frequency charts

  10. Interpret circle graphs

  11. Circle graphs and central angles

  12. Interpret line graphs

  13. Create line graphs

  14. Interpret box-and-whisker plots

  15. Scatter plots

  16. Choose the best type of graph


  1. Lines, line segments, and rays

  2. Parallel, perpendicular, intersecting

  3. Name, measure, and classify angles

  4. Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent, and congruent angles

  5. Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles

  6. Transversal of parallel lines

  7. Classify triangles

  8. Classify quadrilaterals

  9. Find missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals

  10. Identify and classify polygons

  11. Interior angles of polygons

  12. Similar and congruent figures

  13. Similar figures: side lengths and angle measures

  14. Similar figures and indirect measurement

  15. Congruent figures: side lengths and angle measures

  16. Congruence statements and corresponding parts

  17. Perimeter

  18. Area of rectangles and parallelograms

  19. Area of triangles and trapezoids

  20. Area and perimeter: word problems

  21. Parts of a circle

  22. Circles: calculate area, circumference, radius, and diameter

  23. Circles: word problems

  24. Find lengths and measures of bisected lines and angles

  25. Front, side, and top view

  26. Names and bases of 3-dimensional figures

  27. Nets of 3-dimensional figures

  28. Surface area

  29. Volume

  30. Perimeter, area, and volume: changes in scale

  31. Semicircles: calculate area, perimeter, radius, and diameter

  32. Quarter circles: calculate area, perimeter, and radius

  33. Area of compound figures with triangles, semicircles, and quarter circles

  34. Area between two shapes


  1. Identify reflections, rotations, and translations

  2. Translations: graph the image

  3. Translations: find the coordinates

  4. Reflections: graph the image

  5. Reflections: find the coordinates

  6. Rotations: graph the image

  7. Rotations: find the coordinates

  8. Symmetry

variables & expressions

variables & expressions

variables & expressions

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